Friday, January 27, 2006

Things to Contemplate at Imbolg

Purification...water...stars....Aquarius...Anthesteria....Bees...Candles...Emergence....Rising from the Underworld....Renewal...

The Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated at this time in the ancient world. They were a purification and an educational preparation for the experiences that would take place at the Greater Eleusinian Mysteries in September.

Persephone is called "Hagne," The Pure One." This is the root of the name "Agnes." It is the name of Yagna, who was identified with The Earth, and was sacrificed for the sake of The Land in the novel "The Peasants" by Reymont.


Joao said...

Im happy to see a blog with same name that mine. I invite you to see at:
Sorry is witten in Portuguese (the Fifty language most spoken on wole world)
I'm a ArtDirector and painter in my country with esoteric beliefs. I invite you to know my master: Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov at:

Joao Lourenco

Deena said...

Hello Joao, I cannot read Portuguese but the pictures on your blog are lovely! thank you for telling me about the FBU, this is most interesting.